The University System of Georgia allows students who have been admitted to the University of West Georgia as out-of-state for tuition purposes, to apply for in-state status by filing a petition for reclassification or to receive in-state tuition rates as an out-of-state student through various tuition differential waivers.


请愿书 & 豁免概述

在学生完全被大学录取之前,不应填写请愿书或豁免申请, and all 学费差异豁免 are due in the 注册商’s Office at least 2 weeks prior to the posted fee payment deadline of the term in which the waiver is requested. 费用支付截止日期可从学生账户和账单服务办公室办公室或从当前的SCOOP. 在此日期之后收到的豁免有可能无法及时处理以支付费用.


请愿书和所有弃权书都需要学生签名. 有关创建数字签名的帮助,请访问 用于设置和管理签名的Adobe网页.  如果在浏览器中完成,则无法签署表单. 除了你的数字签名, 所有以数字方式填写的表格将需要发送到注册官办公室,地址为 从博彩平台推荐的电子邮件帐户. 如果你在数码签署方面有任何问题,你可以打印表格, 标志, 并以PDF格式返回,邮寄、传真或提交给动力中心的学生解决方案团队. 


博彩平台推荐的学生负责在适当的学费分类下注册. Students who have been classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes and believe they are entitled to be classified in-state for tuition purposes may petition the institution for a change of status. 有关学生学费分类的更多信息, 参见校董会政策手册, 第403节.02在… 佐治亚大学系统校董会政策手册.

Students should download and complete the 请愿书 and return it with all applicable supporting documents to the 注册商’s Office by posted deadline. 不完整的请愿书将退还给学生. 州内学费申请表(PDF, 329KB)


如果你是乔治亚州居民,年龄在62岁或以上, 你可能有资格获得学费减免. 博彩平台推荐, please submit your Georgia Driver's License or other official document showing age and residency to the Office of the 注册商 for review.


The University of West Georgia awards out-of-state tuition differential waivers and assess in-state tuition for certain nonresidents of Georgia under the following conditions: For more information about tuition differential waivers, 见校董会政策手册, 第704节.在…上 美国政府网站.

美国政府全职雇员豁免书(PDF, 55K)

乔治亚州公立学校或乔治亚州技术学院系统的全职员工, 他们的配偶, 以及他们的子女. 在格鲁吉亚军事基地全职工作的教师也有资格享受这项豁免.
全日制公立学校及教资会雇员豁免书(PDF, 53KB)
军事基地全职教师豁免书(PDF, 43KB)

职业领事官员, 他们的配偶, 以及他们的子女 who are citizens of the foreign nation that their consular office represents and who are stationed and living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments. 职业领事豁免书(PDF, 55KB)

Beginning Spring 2022 all previous military and military-connected students waiver applications will be combined into one application. 以前的申请包括:军事人员,格鲁吉亚国民警卫队或美国.S. 军事储备和最近离职的军事人员.


1. 军事 Sponsor is an Active Duty Service Member; or

2. 军事赞助商是格鲁吉亚国民警卫队或美国陆军的现役成员.S. 军事 Reserves; or

3. 军事赞助商是一个分离的军事成员.

军事 & 与军方有联系的学生豁免书(645K)


居住在与乔治亚州接壤的州外县的学生, enrolling in a program offered at a location approved by the Board of Regents and for which the offering institution has been granted permission to award Border County waivers. 博彩平台推荐允许阿拉巴马州克莱本或伦道夫县的居民获得边境豁免. 边境县豁免书(PDF, 90KB)

居住在与格鲁吉亚接壤的另一个州的学生. 博彩平台推荐的, 在阿拉巴马州定居的学生(2018年春季生效), 佛罗里达州(2022年秋季生效), 北卡罗莱纳 (effective Fall 2022); 南卡罗来纳 (effective Fall 2022); and Tennessee (effective Fall 2022) for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes for the term in which they plan on enrolling may be eligible for the waiver.

该豁免授予攻读学位的学生就读于 仅限本科水平.

配偶是 residents of one of the aforementioned states are 不 eligible to receive the waiver until providing evidence of residency in one of these states.

The Waiver may be granted to dependent children when the parent or legal guardian has been domiciled in one of the following states: Alabama, 佛罗里达, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 在学生计划入学的学期的第一天上课之前连续12个月或田纳西州. 边境州豁免表格(PDF, 257K)


新人(第一次参加), 转学和重新录取学生不应填写此豁免申请. 如果你是新来的, 转学或重新录取学生, 请联系本科招生办公室了解有关信息并申请此豁免.

从开学第一天起, 在下列条件下,可获得经济利益豁免:

U.S. 公民,永久居民和合格的非公民

  1. 依赖学生
    受抚养的学生提供清晰且令人信服的证据,证明学生的父母或美国政府资助.S. 法院指定的法定监护人搬到乔治亚州接受全职监护, 自我维持的就业. The relocation must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education and appropriate steps to establish domicile in the state must be taken. 搬迁所基于的就业必须在授予豁免时进行.
  2. 独立的学生
    独立学生提供清晰和令人信服的证据证明他们, 或者他们的配偶, 搬到乔治亚州接受全职工作, 自我维持的就业. The relocation to the state must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education and appropriate steps to establish domicile in the state must be taken. 搬迁所基于的就业必须在授予豁免时进行. 
  3. U.S. 难民、避难者和其他符合条件的非公民
    U.S. 难民、避难者和其他符合条件的非公民 as defined by the federal Title IV regulations may be extended the same consideration for the 经济优势 waiver as citizens and lawful permanent residents of the Waiver eligibility for the above qualifying students expires twelve (12) months from the date the waiver is awarded.

经济利益豁免(PDF, 68KB)

非公民(不被美国政府认为是合格的非公民).S. 教育署)

  1. 依赖学生
    非美国公民的受抚养学生,提供清晰且令人信服的证据,证明学生的父母或美国国籍.S. 法院指定的法定监护人搬到乔治亚州接受全职监护, 自谋职业并以有效证件进入本州, employment-authorized状态. The relocation must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education and appropriate steps to establish domicile in the state must be taken. 搬迁所基于的就业必须在授予豁免时进行. 此外,非美国公民的受抚养学生必须提供明确的证据,证明其父母或美国公民.S. 法院指定的法定监护人, 是否采取法律允许的步骤来获得美国的合法永久居民身份.
  2. 独立的学生
    非公民独立学生必须提供清晰和令人信服的证据,证明他们, 或者他们的配偶, 搬到乔治亚州接受全职工作, 自谋职业并以有效证件进入本州, 认可就业身份. The relocation must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education and appropriate steps to establish domicile in the state must be taken. 搬迁所基于的就业必须在授予豁免时进行. 另外, 非公民独立学生必须提供明确的证据证明他们, 或者他们的配偶, 是否采取法律允许的步骤来获得美国的合法永久居民身份.

上述符合资格的学生可继续提供全日制课程, 维持格鲁吉亚的自我维持就业和就业核准地位. 此外, there must be continued evidence of Georgia domicile and efforts to pursue an adjustment to United States lawful permanent resident status.

从开学第一天起, 在以下条件下,非居民学生可以考虑豁免:


如果父方,或者U.S. 法院指定的法定监护人 has maintained domicile in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months and the student can provide clear and legal evidence showing the relationship to the parent or U.S. 法院指定的法定监护人 has existed for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term. 根据乔治亚州的法律规定,法定监护人必须在学生18岁生日之前建立(BR Minutes), 2008年10月). 非本地学生豁免书(PDF, 62K)


If the student can provide clear and legal evidence showing relations to the spouse and the spouse has maintained domicile in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term. 只要学生继续注册,这项豁免就可以保持有效. 非本地学生豁免书(PDF, 62KB)

如果父母、配偶或美国公民.S. 法院指定的法定监护人 of a continuously enrolled nonresident student establishes domicile in a不her state after having maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for the required period, the nonresident student may continue to receive this waiver as long as the student remains continuously enrolled in a public postsecondary educational institution in the state, 无论父母的住所如何, 配偶或U.S. 法院指定的法定监护人.

Students enrolled in a University System of Georgia institution based on a referral by the Vocational Rehabilitation Program of the Georgia Department of Labor (Submit copy of referral).