streak of paint in the color of green, red, orange, and blue

Studio Art Concentration

The BA in Studio Art degree serves students whose focus is on the liberal arts, and who desire a general education in the visual arts.

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Plan Your Degree

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112

World History

I2: XIDS 2002

(Recommended) First-Year Seminar

F: ART 1006 OR 1009

Design I (2D) or Design II (3D)

F: ART 1007

Drawing I



  • Complete ENGL 1101.
  • Complete ART 1006 and 1007 with a C or better.
  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

M: MATH 1001 OR 1111

Quantitative Skills & Reasoning or College Algebra

I1: FORL 1001 OR 1002

(Unless tested out)

F: ART 1006 OR 1009

Design I (2D) or Design II (3D)

F: ART 1008

Drawing II



  • Complete ENGL 1102.
  • Complete ART 1008 and 1009 with a C or better.
  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.


14 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 29 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
ART 3301

Beginning Ceramics

ART 3601 OR 3602

Painting I: Watercolor or Painting II

F: ART 2201 OR 2202

History of Western Art I or II

A1: FORL 1002 OR 2001
(Unless tested out)
T1: Science + Lab 4


  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ART 3801

Printmaking I: Survey

ART 3901

Introductory Sculpture

F: ART 2201 OR 2202

History of Western Art I or II

T3: STEM Course 3
Minor 3


  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.


16 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 31 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
FORL 2001

Foreign Lang/Lit (unless tested out)

ART 4078

Mid-Program Review

Art Studio Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

ART 3210, 4211, OR 4215

Non-Western Art, Japanese Art, or Art of the African Diaspora

A2: Humanities 3
T2: Non-lab Science 3


  • Complete Mid Program Review, BA in Art (Studio Art).
  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
P1: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History

FORL 2002

Foreign Lang/Lit (unless tested out) OR an approved 2000-level FORL course

Art Studio Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

Art History Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art History Class

Minor 3


  • Earn 15 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
P2: POLS 1101

American Government

ART 4998

Senior Capstone Experience I

Art Studio Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

S2: Social Science 3
Minor 3
Minor 3


  • Complete Capstone I.
  • Apply for Graduation.
  • Earn 16 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ART 4999

Senior Capstone Experience II

Art Studio Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

Art Studio Elective

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

Art Studio Elective OR Minor

Any 3000/4000 Level Art Studio Class

Minor 3


  • Complete Capstone II.
  • Earn 14 or more credit hours.
  • You need a C or better in the Art classes.
  • Complete 120 credit hours and Graduate.


16 Fall Credit Hours + 14 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Crush Your Course

First Year:

  • Enroll in Art Foundations Courses.
  • Start taking University Core courses such as ART 1201, and remember it is important to take a mix of Art and University Core throughout your 4 years!
  • Attend the Art Program Gathering (The Gathering).
  • Meet with your Art Mentor (one will be assigned).
  • Visit the Center for Academic Success (if you want some extra help).
  • Talk with your mentor about the BA and BFA degree plans.

Middle Years:

  • Continue taking University Core classes.
  • Secondary Art Core.
  • Start your Minor.
  • Start your Language and Cultures sequence.
  • Complete Mid-Program Review.
  • Continue meeting with art mentor.
  • Take ART 2000, ART 2201 and 2202.

Last Year:

  • Finish University Core classes.
  • Finish Capstone 1 & 2.

Find Your Place

First Year:

  • Join the Art Student Union.
  • Attend Art Infuse and Art Incend.
  • Meet with art mentor.
  • Explore what the University has to offer: Ingram Library, UREC, etc.

Middle Years:

  • Volunteer to help out at Art Infuse and Art Incend.
  • Continue meeting with art mentor.
  • Attend visiting artist presentation.
  • Enter work into The Eclectic.

Last Year:

  • Visit Career Services to help you determine next steps for your academic or professional goals.
  • Present your art or art history research at Scholars’ Day.
  • Meet with your art mentor.
  • Consider becoming a Peer Tutor.

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year:

  • Go to an Art Exhibition Reception.
  • Attend a capstone exhibition.
  • Attend the Faculty or Alumni Exhibition and Reception in the Fall.

Middle Years:

  • Participate in Critique with a Visiting Artist.
  • Join a student club (i.e., Anthropology club, Art Student Union).
  • Attend a visiting artist/speaker lecture.
  • Initiate an SRAP grant with art and/or minor faculty.
  • GPA 3.2 or above? Consider applying to the Honors Program.

Last Year:

Connect Off-Campus

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Take Care of Yourself

First Year:

  • Focus on time management: make sure that in addition to doing well in all of your classes that you are making time for yourself throughout the week.

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Pave Your Path

First Year:

  • Investigate a minor within CHASS.

Middle Year:

  • Make connections between your Minor and your Major.
  • Submit work to the Juried Student Exhibition.
  • Apply for a Student Assistant position.

Last Year:

  • Prepare Resume/Portfolio.
  • Apply for Jobs/Graduate School.
  • Hold a leadership position (i.e., ASU President).
  • Talk with your Art Mentor about your post-graduation plans.


Have any questions about your major?

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Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!