The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IEA) maintains graduate rates for the University of West Georgia. As explained on IEA's website, "Graduation rates follow the federal government reporting methodology and represent the percentage of a Full-Time, First-Time-In-College undergraduate cohort (entering in fall term or summer continuing to fall) that is still enrolled or has graduated from the same institution in the following fall term. Entering cohorts have been revised from previously generated files to exactly match USG BOR determined cohorts"

Below are graduation rates for the entering cohorts of declared Mass Communications majors from 2012-2019, as compiled by IEA.


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment produces retention rates at the institution-level based on the entering cohort of first-time, full-time entering students," as defined by the IPEDS (Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System). These rates indicate that a student entered 博彩平台推荐 in a specified cohort, they returned to 博彩平台推荐 in subsequent fall terms, and/or they graduated from 博彩平台推荐 - declared major or major of degree conferred is not taken into consideration. Since many students enter as undecided/undeclared, or in a pre or meta-major and/or change majors any number of times while enrolled at 博彩平台推荐, IEA does not track the retention based on an individual major in the same way as it does institutionally across all majors/programs.

IEA is able to provide retention data for all enrolled Mass Communications majors for each fall term, and the data is presented in the tables below. Note, however, that IEA does not use the same methodology as institutional retention rates using "first-time, full-time entering student" cohort for each fall. Rather, it used information for all declared majors at the freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior levels.