
你的空间. 你的日程安排.

Leading-edge employers know teams are less likely to burn out or leave when they feel relevant, valued, 挑战成长.  为你的团队投资.  Give them a reason to stay … and stay engaged and productive.  博彩平台推荐 Douglasville offers affordable, 90-minute professional development courses.  You choose from 20 plus communication, conflict, and leadership topics.  你选择最适合你的团队的时间, 无论是午餐和学习还是早上, afternoon, 或者晚上的会议.  博彩平台推荐的辅导员会来到你的工作场所,让你的团队提升水平,发挥他们最好的水平.

Contact Dr. 卡米拉·甘特,首席行政官 & 学术事务执行主任道格拉斯维尔,在 cgant@ycdwkj666.com or (470) 591-0579  安排你的现场会议.  当你投资五门或更多课程时,可以节省10%.




人才评估帮助团队成员识别, act on, and interact based on their unique strengths to optimize performance and maximize outcomes, 个人和集体.

Terri Walthour - Assistant Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

新兴遗传学人才评估衡量的是来自基因蓝图和生活经历的思维和行为模式.  团队成员将收到一份包括四种思维属性和三种行为属性的新兴遗传学简介, 并学会提高他们的沟通技巧, 建立信任, 作为团队一起工作, 并基于各自优势的协同作用来推动结果.

Terri Walthour - Assistant Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

The CliftonStrengths talent assessment measures natural patterns of thinking, 基于34个主题的感受和行为,帮助团队成员发现和发展他们最大的才能.  评估“回答的问题是人们的优点,而不是缺点”~唐·克利夫顿, Founder.  团队成员将收到个性化的报告和资源,以充分利用他们独特的才能,最大限度地发挥他们的潜力, 个人和专业.

Emily Richardson - Associate Director of Training and Certifications

迈尔斯布里格斯类型指标人才评估衡量人格类型,并探讨人格如何影响工作场所的互动和协作.  团队成员将收到他们的个性资料,他们可以使用这些资料来加强个人和职业关系, 他们将了解到为什么在一个团队中有各种各样的个性类型可以最大限度地提高生产力和效率.



Participants will receive a 证书 of completion for each course. Complete at least five courses in the subject area and receive a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

人们信任真诚的领导者, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, 这种信任会激励团队即使在面临挑战的情况下也能成功地执行.  In fact, scholarship is conclusive that authentic leaders build team trust, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  这个阶段给了你思考核心价值观的空间,以及你如何有意识地将这些价值观传达给你的团队,让他们知道你看到了这些价值观, 你听到了吗, 你需要他们, 你重视他们, 你为他们庆祝.

杜安·西奥博尔德,M.A. -经济教育中心项目经理 & 金融知识

在做生意的时候,写作是一种重要的沟通方式, 对于很多员工来说, 这是他们很难掌握的技能.  This workshop will give participants a refresher on basic writing concepts such as spelling, grammar, 和标点符号.  It will also provide an overview of the most common business documents such as emails, proposals, reports, 和议程.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

如果你不能有效地将想法传达给目标用户,那么再好的想法也没用.  Delivering an effective presentation includes narrowing your focus, 整理你的想法, 支持你的想法, and finally delivering them --- all with an audience-centered approach.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

Patients often seek out healthcare when they feel their bodies are ailing, 但博彩平台推荐知道,人不仅仅是他们的身体.  他们是有情感和社会需求的人, as well, 所有这些都会影响身体健康.  通过博彩平台推荐的沟通选择,有意识地以患者的人性为中心,更全面地看待患者,这既可以改善医疗互动,也可以改善患者的治疗结果.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

Many patients increasingly desire to play a more active role in their healthcare.  提供者如何确保他们在互动和治疗过程中以患者的声音为中心?  博彩平台推荐将考虑价值观和语言选择如何帮助提供者提供称职和富有同情心的护理,同时教育患者以实现积极的健康结果.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

通常当博彩平台推荐想到交流的时候, we only think of speaking; however, most of our time is spent listening to messages instead of sending them.  Unfortunately, we rarely-- if ever-- receive training in how to listen better.  更有效地倾听, 博彩平台推荐必须了解博彩平台推荐默认的倾听方式, 有效倾听的障碍, 以及倾听时常见的陷阱.  Then, we can learn specific skills known as "active listening" to improve our communication with others.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires.  When we are self-aware, we are able to recognize our strengths and build on them.  Learn how to be self-aware and how that can help you lead a more fulfilled life.



Participants will receive a 证书 of completion for each course. Complete at least five courses in the subject area and receive a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

高效的企业和组织依赖于员工对自己的个人工作负责,并培养同事之间的责任感.  工作场所的责任感指的是“坚持到底”,以及员工完成他们承诺要完成的事情的能力.  当同事们对彼此负责时, 他们认识到其他团队成员依赖于他们的工作结果,并努力为团队服务.  Ultimately, 问责制在工作场所创造了一种合作的文化,对于在组织的各个层面之间建立信任至关重要.  在本课程中, participants will explore best practices for developing engagement, loyalty, 以及同事之间的尊重.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

To best understand how to navigate conflict, we must first understand what it actually is.  分解冲突的因素可以帮助你退后一步,开始更有意识地考虑影响冲突情节的各种因素.  Conflicts often have multiple layers of goals that include content, 的关系, identity, 过程目标.  理解这些目标的相互作用和重叠的本质可以改变博彩平台推荐处理个人和职业生活中冲突的方法.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

Most everyone has a default style when dealing with conflict.  However, sometimes our default style is not the best style for the conflict in which we find ourselves.  了解博彩平台推荐的默认样式, 博彩平台推荐为什么会有它, and how to break out of it can equip us to respond more effectively to specific conflict episodes.

Dr. 米斯蒂威尔逊-高级讲师,传播学

We should never underestimate the role power plays in conflict interactions.  例如, 当员工不同意他/她/他们的主管, how does that employee engage in the conflict while in a seemingly power-down position? 权力取决于环境和关系.  理解权力的作用——以及博彩平台推荐确实拥有的权力——可以帮助博彩平台推荐更有意地参与冲突互动. Also, 授权博彩平台推荐的员工和共享资源可以导致共享决策和这些决策的所有权.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

没有人可以选择自己的同事, 并且在工作场所有各种各样的个性, 冲突不是如果的问题, but when.  Discuss your conflict personality and ways to improve and manage future conflicts.



Participants will receive a 证书 of completion for each course. Complete at least five courses in the subject area and receive a 职场成功 证书.


Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

高效的企业和组织依赖于员工对自己的个人工作负责,并培养同事之间的责任感.  工作场所的责任感指的是“坚持到底”,以及员工完成他们承诺要完成的事情的能力.  当同事们对彼此负责时, 他们认识到其他团队成员依赖于他们的工作结果,并努力为团队服务.  Ultimately, 问责制在工作场所创造了一种合作的文化,对于在组织的各个层面之间建立信任至关重要.  在本课程中, participants will explore best practices for developing engagement, loyalty, 以及同事之间的尊重.

Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

人们信任真诚的领导者, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, 这种信任会激励团队即使在面临挑战的情况下也能成功地执行.  In fact, scholarship is conclusive that authentic leaders build team trust, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  这个阶段给了你反思自己核心价值观的空间 以及你如何有意识地将它们传达给你的团队,让他们知道你看到了他们, 你听到了吗, 你需要他们, 你重视他们, 你为他们庆祝.

Dr. Camilla Gant - Professor of Mass 沟通s; 博彩平台推荐 Douglasville Chief Administrative Officer & 教务处执行主任

Scholarship is clear about the positive impact authentic leaders, 那些忠于自己核心价值观的人, 如何建立团队信任, morale, respect, loyalty, 生产力和性能.  However, the impact is lessened for women when workplace challenges compromise their confidence to execute.  这个环节给了你空间去思考在你的控制范围内克服这些挑战的策略——练习 维护自己的权利和. self-sabotage; owning your yes and no; opening the gate to positive venting and closing it to emotional dumping; defying imposter syndrome; and negotiating zero sum work life balance.

Valencia Fuller-Wright - HR/Staff Development Specialist; CEO, The Wright Agency, LLC

在这个大流行的时代, 越来越多的员工悄无声息地辞职, 根据最近的一项国际员工调查, nearly half of those who quit without a new job in hand choose to return to the workforce.  本课程将教导管理者有效的策略来打破团队成员的旋转门.  士气是提高员工敬业度、生产力、满意度、成功和保留率的关键.  参与者将学习如何识别员工士气低落的迹象,以及如何实施措施来提高和保持员工的士气.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

没有人可以选择自己的同事, 并且在工作场所有各种各样的个性, 冲突不是如果的问题, but when.  Discuss your conflict personality and ways to improve and manage future conflicts.

Taylor Bryant - Clinical Assistant Professor, Public Relations

本课程的目的首先是帮助参与者理解什么是批判性思维,以及它如何在博彩平台推荐的日常生活中有所帮助.  本课程允许参与者退后一步, 检查他们如何处理复杂的问题, and enhance their thinking processes to be able to ask the right questions, 挑战个人假设, and see others’ viewpoints clearly without their own judgment and biases interfering.  The ability to think critically is necessary for any employee at any level.

Taylor Bryant - Clinical Assistant Professor, Public Relations

Sustaining motivation can be a tough task under the best of circumstances. 当待办事项列表很长时, 期望隐约可见, 时光飞逝, 博彩平台推荐很容易被消极情绪淹没. While it is impossible to control all the circumstances of life, 博彩平台推荐可以学习如何控制博彩平台推荐对它的反应, 跨越障碍, 保持动力去做好工作. 在本课程中, participants will learn best practices of staying motivated at both the individual and team level.  可以安排第二次会议吗 in which attendees implement change, reflect, share and adjust.

Taylor Bryant - Clinical Assistant Professor, Public Relations

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks you have to complete?  本课程将提供一些组织技巧,帮助你克服失败的感觉,不仅更有条理, 但也更有生产力和效率. 学习如何使用资源和工具来设置优先级,并帮助在压力下做出决定.  Also, discuss skills to help clear the chaos and create a more peaceful environment.  是否可以安排第二次会议,让与会者确定需要改进、执行和重新评估的领域.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires.  When we are self-aware, we are able to recognize our strengths and build on them.  Learn how to be self-aware and how that can help you lead a more fulfilled life.

Dr. 黑兹尔·科尔——副教授 & 公共关系主管

界限是博彩平台推荐与他人设定的界限,它表明博彩平台推荐可以接受或不接受的行为.  By setting healthy boundaries, you can work smarter, gain respect and increase your productivity.  Discuss strategies on how to set healthy boundaries and what that means.

Taylor Bryant - Clinical Assistant Professor, Public Relations

Do you want to take on greater responsibility in your current role?  Are you looking to advance and need to show you have a go-getter attitude?  本课程将提供必要的技能,使你在组织中成为一笔资产,并确定可能阻碍你的障碍.