
The 博彩平台推荐 Marching Band "西乔治亚州的行军狼" welcomes you for the upcoming season. 博彩平台推荐以军团的方式行进——有点曲折! If making a statement on the field is something that calls out to you, we invite you to join our ranks as we make our next season unforgettable.



登记 is now open for the 2024 edition of 西乔治亚州的行军狼.



Membership in the 博彩平台推荐 Marching Band "西乔治亚州的行军狼" is open to all current and registered 博彩平台推荐 students—regardless of major!

填写并提交 注册表单. Also, you'll need to register for the marching band course, which is MUSC 2720. 你可以在迎新拜访的时候这样做!

是的! 幻影团成员, 骑士队, 亚特兰大精神, and many other drum corps have marched and are currently marching with the 博彩平台推荐 Marching Band.

  • 8月5日:领导力
  • 8月6日:Drumline, Colorguards和Twirlers
  • 8月7日:管乐手

Students who will live in campus dorms will move into the dorm room that has been assigned to them by Residence Life for the upcoming school year. 请参阅营地日历,了解适当的报到时间. 有几位工作人员将在您搬家时为您提供帮助. 学生应携带学年所需的所有物品.

The University of West Georgia owns many of the instruments that a student might need for Marching Band. 博彩平台推荐发行音阶, 低音喇叭, and percussion equipment to all students in those sections of the band. 其他 woodwind and brass instruments are available on a more limited basis. Preference will be given to those who turn in their camp information forms first.

博彩平台推荐军乐队由以下乐器组成:长笛/短笛, 单簧管, 中音萨克斯, 男高音萨克斯管, 小号, 角(美乐号), 长号, 次中音号/男中音, 大号, drumline, colorguard, 和行进乐队指挥. The drumline holds auditions on the first day of camp for instrument placement.

是的! 在过去,博彩平台推荐有多达三个特约旋转者/大乐队. If you would like to audition for a spot please send a videotape or digital recording of one of your performances to Dr. 卡尔·赛尔夫(tcself@ycdwkj666.com).

大多数乐队成员将在6月份完成训练. 然而, if a student must participate in orientation activities during Band Camp, 他们被允许这样做. It is the student’s responsibility to inform their section leader and the graduate assistant of any conflicts between Band Camp and orientation. Please make sure to ask your section leader and other veterans about what orientation activities you should attend.

博彩平台推荐在乐队夏令营期间排练了一周来巩固演出. 一旦上课,军乐队就开始排练 星期二下午3:30-5:15.m. 周四晚上6点至9点.m. on a weekly basis as well as a rehearsal block prior to home football games. While band does require a time commitment, it is rare that a student’s academic progress is impaired. Band members tend to be among the most academically and socially adjusted students.

是的!!! 许多学生, 音乐专业和非专业都可以, 除了乐队之外,还可以参加几个合奏团, 包括爵士乐队, 铜套, 打击乐合奏, 萨克斯管乐团, 还有许多较小的室内乐团.

虽然这两个群体之间有很大的重叠, 没有要求学生在两个乐队都演奏. 然而, students who do both often find that their college musical experience is greatly enriched. We have two different auditioned concert bands: the Wind Ensemble and the Symphony Band. Both groups consist of music and non-music majors and continue to perform advanced collegiate level music.

Auditions for Wind Ensemble will take place prior to each semester; please contact Dr. 伯德(jbyrd@ycdwkj666.com)查阅详情. The Symphonic Band meets only in the spring semester, and does not require an audition.

绝对! 博彩平台推荐的许多学生在这两方面都有表演. Often students will play their primary instrument in Wind Ensemble and a secondary instrument in Symphony Band. The only requirement is to pass a successful audition on each instrument.

当然! 然而, 因为游行乐队和音乐会乐队都是注册班级, students are not permitted to miss rehearsals or performances for other campus or non-campus activities. 这包括其他音乐节目活动.

是的, the Marching Wolves typically travel one-to-two away games per year. 因为博彩平台推荐刚搬到一级田径队, 所有旅行团的规模都较小, 乐队的Pep-band版本. 另外, the band performs two-to-three times per year at local marching festivals and competitions as the featured exhibition band.

The 博彩平台推荐 Marching Band is composed of students from many different marching backgrounds and styles, ranging from those who have never marched before to those whose high school bands were competitive. 结果是, the band’s style attempts to meet the needs of all students who participate, and that allows for a variety of shows to be performed throughout the season. A glide step is used since it allows for proper playing of all instruments and drill is written in a corps style which is slightly modified to allow for quick and relatively easy learning. There is no cause for concern if a student comes from a different style of marching; students adjust quickly and easily with generous assistance from rank leaders, 鼓专业, 还有乐队里的其他领导.

是的! 这是组成乐队的原因之一 so unique compared to other bands in the Southeast is our inclusion of a dance routine for every halftime performance. This is a trademark of our band and something that brings a lot of fun to members and audiences alike. 如果你从未在游行表演中跳过舞, 别担心,这对博彩平台推荐的大多数新会员来说都是新的!

All music for the pregame and field shows will be performed from memory. 音乐 to be played in the stands is issued in a flip-folder and brought to every game.

No. This is one of the biggest differences between college and high school band. Our function is to provide entertainment and support to the athletic programs and other aspects of the University of West Georgia. Each fall, we perform as the exhibition band for a limited number of band competitions and festivals. 偶尔, we are invited to perform at pro sports games and other local and even international engagements.

除了博彩平台推荐军乐队, 博彩平台推荐篮球啦啦队, “狼帮,在春季的所有主场篮球比赛中表演. Pep Band是在春季开设的一门学分课程.