杰森·斯威夫特.D., M.F.A.

杰森·斯威夫特于1994年在北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校获得文学学士学位, his MFA from the Rinehart School of Sculpture at the Maryland Institute, 1997年获艺术学院学士学位,2003年获教育学硕士学位,2009年获师范学院教育学博士学位, Columbia University.  他目前是博彩平台推荐的副教授,在那里他是艺术教育主任,负责协调艺术教育的本科和初步认证项目.  In his studio and research practice, 他研究了经验对艺术家视觉词汇的影响, 滑板, 朋克摇滚, 越轨教学和他与祖父的经历.

  • B.F.A.,雕塑与艺术教育,北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校,1994年
  • M.F.A.,雕塑,马里兰艺术学院莱因哈特雕塑学院,1997年
  • M.Ed., Art and Art Education, 师范学院, Columbia University, 2003
  • Ed.D., Art and Art Education, 师范学院, Columbia University, 2009

Fall 2024 Sections

Spring 2024 Sections

Fall 2023 Sections

Spring 2023 Sections

Fall 2022 Sections

Spring 2022 Sections

Fall 2021 Sections

Summer 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections

Fall 2020 Sections

Spring 2020 Sections

  • ART-3012 (Art for Pre-K & 特殊Popul) Section: 01
  • ART-4009 (Art Curricul & Classrm Mngmnt) Section: 01
  • ART-4011 (Student 教学 in Art Educ) Section: 01
  • ART-4012 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01
  • ART-4013 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01

Fall 2019 Sections

  • ART-3011 (Elementary Art Methods) Section: 02
  • ART-4010 (Secondary Art Methods) Section: 02
  • ART-4011 (Student 教学 in Art Educ) Section: 01
  • ART-4012 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01
  • ART-4013 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01

Spring 2019 Sections

  • ART-3012 (Art for Pre-K & 特殊Popul) Section: 01
  • ART-4009 (Art Curricul & Classrm Mngmnt) Section: 01
  • ART-4011 (Student 教学 in Art Educ) Section: 01
  • ART-4012 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01
  • ART-4013 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01

Fall 2018 Sections

  • ART-1006 (设计 I (2D)) Section: 1AB
  • ART-1006 (设计 I (2D)) Section: 2AB
  • ART-3011 (Elementary Art Methods) Section: 02
  • ART-4010 (Secondary Art Methods) Section: 02
  • ART-4011 (Student 教学 in Art Educ) Section: 01
  • ART-4012 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01
  • ART-4013 (Student Teach in Art Education) Section: 01


  • 迅速、J. (Ed.). (2020). 身份、教学和工作室实践的未定义制度化定义[特刊]. Visual Inquiry: Learning & 教学 Art, 8(3).
  • 迅速、J. (2020). 身份、教学和工作室实践的制度化定义[社论]. Visual Inquiry: Learning & 教学 Art, 8(3).
  • 迅速、J. (2019). Locating visual arts education in a post-liberal arts landscape. Visual Inquiry: Learning & 教学 Art, 8(2), 149-159.
  • 奥特曼,年代.农民,C. M.斯威夫特. & 赖特,. (2019). 用博彩平台推荐的手思考:当代艺术和设计中的工艺和技术教学. Future Forward, 6(1), 44-56.  
  • 迅速、J.哈蒙德,H.李,J.,等人(2017). Agents of change: Facilitating collegial investment and support.  Future Forward, 5(1), 54-67.
  • Daichendt G. J.C. & 迅速、J. (2014). Mentoring the contemporary arts student in the university. Visual Inquiry: Learning & 教学 Art, 3(3), 281-289.


  • 2024年“正直与警惕:在南方小镇做一个正直的朋克”, Punk Culture I: Diverse Identities: Queer Punks, 直边, 和“卖出去”, 专家, 受欢迎的 Culture Association Annual Conference, 芝加哥, 伊尔(即将出版)
  • 2024 “Collaborative Leadership: Mending a Broken Art Department”, Yes, and... Agendas: from little to big!, 专家, College Art Association Annual Conference, 芝加哥, IL
  • 2023朋克摇滚, 嘻哈, Heavy Metal and Indie Rock Education: What Art School Couldn’t Teach, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 里士满, VA
  • 2023  “A Round-About, A Coke Machine, Shipping Tags and D&D Dice: Emancipatory 教学”, 超过一个字母或数字:艺术与设计的教学表现, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 里士满, VA 
  • 2023弥合差距:满足当今学生需求的课程和教学法, 会议椅, FATE Biennial Conference, 丹佛, CO
  • 2022 Skate and Destroy: Skateboarding’s Influence on Art, 设计, 和文化, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 巴尔的摩, MD
  • 2022年“朋克摇滚传单的艺术与美学”街头艺术:由人民为人民服务, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 巴尔的摩, MD
  • 2021 Skate and Destroy: Skateboarding’s Influence on Art, 设计, 和文化, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 列克星敦, KY (Session accepted, conference cancelled due to COVID)
  • 2021 “Tick Marks of Time, 《博彩平台推荐》, 是时候了..., 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 列克星敦, KY (Paper accepted, conference cancelled due to COVID)
  • 2021 New Age 教学: The Person Behind the Mask, 会议椅, 基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 17th Biennial Conference, 夏洛特, NC
  • 2021 “Be Punk Rock, 进行艺术创作, 运行, F* Sh* Up, and Bake Biscuits”, Our F’ing Language of Dealing: Shared Explorations in Approaching Sanity, 专家, 基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 17th Biennial Conference, 夏洛特, NC
  • 2020 Punk Rock Education: What Art School Couldn’t Teach You, 第二部分, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 里士满, VA
  • 2020 “The Space In Between: Where Meaning Resides”, RE(:) Thinking Space, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 里士满, VA
  • 2019 Un-Defining Institutionalized Definitions of Identity, 教学, and Studio Practice, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 查塔努加, TN
  • 2019年“休假, 旅行, 研究失败, 和成功”, Artists Research 101, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 查塔努加, TN
  • 2019 The Technology Divide: Tensions Between the Hand, New Media and Studio Art Pedagogy, 会议椅, College Art Association Annual Conference, 纽约, NY
  • 2019再技能基础:教育学在当今基础课程中的重要性, 会议椅, 基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 16th Biennial Conference, 哥伦布, OH
  • 2018 Transgressive Practices: Confronting Art, Scholarship and Education, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 伯明翰, AL
  • 2018 “The Pearl Street Gallery: A Project Destined to Fail”, 公共项目, Community Collaborations, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 伯明翰, AL           
  • 2018 The Technology Divide: Tensions Between the Hand and New Media, 会议椅, Mid-America College Art Association Biennial Conference, 林肯, NE
  • 2028 “Locating Visual Arts Education in a Post-Liberal Arts Landscape”, Fear of the Unknown, 专家, sponsored by the Mid-America College Art Association, College Art Association Annual Conference, 洛杉矶, CA
  • 2017 The Education of Punk Rock: What Art School Couldn’t Teach You, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 哥伦布, OH
  • 2017 “You Cannot Win a Wrestling Match if You Have No Skill”, Disagree to Agree: A Debate–Abating Tag–Team Battle over Skill vs. 创造力, 专家,基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 16th Biennial Conference, 堪萨斯城, MO
  • 2016“产品与过程:设计工作室艺术课程和项目的真实评估策略”, Pain in the ASSessment, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 洛亚诺克, VA
  • 2015 “Art Camp: How I Came of Age One Summer at the Vermont Studio Center”, On the Move or On the 运行: Artist Residencies as Exile, 游牧, 或社区?, 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
  • 2015艺术教育与基金会工作室:项目发展的新伙伴关系, Evolution and Student Success, 会议椅, 基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 15th Biennial Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, IN
  • 2015年“你不被允许创造艺术:通过材料和工艺探索,面对正式的工作室指导,开启潜力和可能性”, Learning to Notice, 专家, 基金会 in Art: Theory and Education 15th Biennial Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, IN
  • 2015 “Assessing Learning in Studio Practice”, 演讲, New Hampshire Art Educator’s Association Annual Conference, 曼彻斯特, NH
  • 2014 The Artist’s Visual Vocabulary: Development, 形成和使用, 会议椅, SECAC Annual Conference, 萨拉索塔, FL
  • 2014 “The Artist/Teacher/Researcher: (Un)defining the Space In Between”, 从画廊到教室:将你的工作室或商业艺术生涯融入教育实践, research paper 演讲, SECAC Annual Conference, 萨拉索塔, FL        
  • 2014年“艺术教育在本科基础工作室项目重新设计中的作用”, research paper 演讲, National Art Education Association National Convention, 圣地亚哥, CA
  • 2014 “The Artist’s Visual Vocabulary: Development, 形成和使用”, research paper 演讲, National Art Education Association National Convention, 圣地亚哥, CA
  • 2013年“去孤岛化基金会工作室项目:基于工作室的艺术教育项目在艺术系基金会工作组中的作用”, 为什么基金会? 第一年的工作室基础课程在艺术与设计教育中的作用是什么?, research paper 演讲, SECAC Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC
  • 2013美国高等教育视觉艺术硕士:问题与辩论, 会议演讲者, National Art Education Association National Convention, 沃斯堡, TX
  • 2012年“反思性视觉探究:工作室过程与实践的故事建构”, 画, Diagramming and Mapping Investigation and Inquiry in the Studio Practice, 会议椅 and 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 达勒姆, NC
  • 2011年“通过工作室实践中的自我民族志和反思性探究寻找声音”, Current Trends in Studio-Based Practices Research, 会议椅 and 专家, SECAC Annual Conference, 萨凡纳, GA
  • 2010 “The Artist/(Auto)Ethnographer: Navigating, Negotiating and Balancing the Dialogue, 研究者与研究主体同时存在的对立与冲突, Collaborative Ethnography in Art and 设计, 专家, SECAC/MACAA Annual Conference, 里士满, VA
  • “艺术实践中的一致性:经验对艺术家的影响”,2007年, Aesthetic Responses, Material Choice and Role Identity”, research paper 演讲, National Art Education Association Annual Convention, 纽约, NY
  • 2006 “Collaborative Restraint in Artistic Practice”, 海报会议, College Art Association Annual Conference, 波士顿, 质量


  • 2017年演讲:“艺术教育中的设计”新罕布什尔州艺术会议:教学, Innovation and 创造力, 利特尔顿, NH
  • 2017主题小组:“设计教育”新罕布什尔州艺术会议:教学, Innovation and 创造力, 利特尔顿, NH
  • 2011年主题演讲:“重获感官学习”第11届艺术生活会议,拉科尼亚,新罕布什尔州
  • 2011年研讨会:“感官学习与体验:重拾博彩平台推荐成年后失去的童年学习”第十六届综合艺术年会, 普利茅斯 State University, 普利茅斯, NH
  • 2010年小组演讲:“为普利茅斯州立大学卡尔·德鲁普美术馆开发在线K-12综合艺术课程”博物馆的奥秘揭示教育研讨会, Currier Museum of Art, 曼彻斯特, NH
  • 2007年“偶然的指导:与阿尔塞勒姆和珍珠街画廊的指导经验”,跨文化的对话:社区艺术教育, Exploring Possibilities, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY
  • 2007 Panel Respondent: “Conversations Across Cultures: The Museum-Virtual, 实际, 和转换”, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY
  • 2002 Panel Presenter: Let the Object Speak: A Sculpture Symposium, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY


  • 2021 SECAC Juried Members Exhibition, Bolivar Art Gallery, School of Art / Visual Studies, University of Kentucky, 列克星敦, KY
  • 2021年,哥伦比亚大学师范学院与M.I.C.A. 纽约,纽约,www.artschoolpedagogy.org, Curator: HC Huỳnh
  • 2018 SECAC评审成员展览,UAB Abroms-Engel视觉艺术学院,伯明翰,阿拉巴马州
  • 2016 A Journey Across Boundaries, Chandler Arts Center, 伦道夫, VT, Curators: Gowri Savoor and Angelo Arnold
  • 2014年杰森·斯威夫特(个展),鼠纹画廊,康考迪亚大学,蒙特利尔,加拿大
  • 2014《博彩平台推荐》,鼠纹画廊,康考迪亚大学,蒙特利尔,加拿大
  • 2011 Piece of Mind, Elga Wimmer Gallery, 纽约, NY           
  • 2011 Pool Art Fair, Gershwin Hotel, 纽约, NY           
  • 2011 Of House and 首页, The Whole Gallery, 巴尔的摩, MD
  • 2010边界与边界:2010韩国非军事区艺术节,石章里美术馆,韩国
  • 2010 Producing: Films and Videos, 梅西画廊, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY, Curator: Maurizio Pellegrin
  • 2009 Art Basel: Verge Art Fair by Gitana Rosa Gallery, Miami, FL            
  • 2009 Visions in 纽约 City: Short Films and Videos, 梅西画廊, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY, Curator: Maurizio Pellegrin
  • 2008短片:小型电影节,哥伦比亚大学师范学院,纽约,纽约            
  • 2008年由线引领,目标画廊,鱼雷工厂艺术中心,亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州 
  • 2007 Faces, Zakka, Beijing, China 
  • 2006 Journey’s End, 55 Mercer Gallery, 纽约, NY           
  • 2006 Close-Far,精神分析训练与研究学院,纽约,纽约           
  • 2006 artHarlem: HOAST, Hamilton Landmark Galleries, 纽约, NY           
  • 2006 EMC Arts, EMC Arts, 纽约, NY, Curator: Rueben Sinha
  • 2006 Questioning Sculpture, 梅西画廊, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY, Curator: Maurizio Pellegrin
  • 2005年“韩美当代艺术相互理解”, 切尔滕纳姆 Art Center, 切尔滕纳姆, PA
  • 2005梅西55, 梅西画廊, 师范学院, Columbia University, 纽约, NY, Curator: Maurizio Pellegrin
  • 2004 Resonance, Pearl Street Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, Curator: Dan Serig 
  • 2001 One Night Stand, St. Paul’s Church, Columbia University, 纽约, NY
  • 1999告别二十世纪,大学美术馆,中密歇根大学,Mt. 愉快、心肌梗死           
  • 1999 Subject to Change, Change is the Subject, 第一部分及第二部分, Decker画廊, Maryland Institute, 艺术学院, 巴尔的摩, MD, Curator: George Ciscle, Curator in Residence, 云母
  • 1998 Microcosm 2 Macrocosm, The Whole Gallery, 巴尔的摩, MD
  • 1997 43rd Annual Juried Art Show, Central Carolina Bank Gallery, 达勒姆 Arts Council, 达勒姆, NC, Juror: Brooke Anderson, Winston Salem State University
  • 1995 达勒姆 Art Guild, Members Group Show, Central Carolina Bank Gallery, 达勒姆 Arts Council Building, 达勒姆, NC          
  • 1995年CCA/Boogie展览,社区艺术委员会,金士顿,北卡罗来纳州
  • 1995 40th Annual Juried Art Show, Central Carolina Bank Gallery, 达勒姆 Arts Council Building; 达勒姆, NC, Juror: William Fagaly, Assistant Director, New Orleans Museum of Art